
Thoughts on software development and other stuff

Archive for April 18th, 2010

Springtime for Coherence

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As I type this I am 35,000 feet over Alaska (no I can’t see Putin’s backyard from here) en route to QCon Tokyo. Brian was scheduled to talk but was unable to make it so I’m stepping in to present a talk on spanning multiple data grids across disparate data centers. (You can see Brian describing this talk at QCon SF here.) In addition to this presentation, I’m looking forward to sampling the food and culture in Japan. As a big city guy I’ve always wanted to visit Tokyo so I’m quite fortunate to have the chance.

As they say, when it rains it pours. I just came back from the New York SIG where I talked about real world challenges in customer deployments and passed along lessons that we learned in solving these problems. After leaving Tokyo, I will be joining Cameron and Noah in Toronto for the inaugural SIG where I will deliver the same presentation I gave in NY. Cameron will talk about the past and future of Coherence, and Noah will give an update on the latest innovations in the Coherence Incubator project.

Has everyone received their copy of the Coherence book yet? One of my favorite parts of the book is the very beginning where Aleks describes what it takes to build scalable applications. In fact a good portion of the first chapter doesn’t even mention Coherence; it just talks about aspects of scalability that developers and architects of high scale systems should be familiar with. A copy of this book was raffled at the NY SIG, and more copies will be given away at the Bay SIG and Toronto SIG.

Written by Patrick Peralta

April 18th, 2010 at 5:50 am

Posted in Coherence