
Thoughts on software development and other stuff

Archive for June, 2010

Florida JUGs Next Week

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I will be in central Florida next week presenting at the following user groups:

An Introduction to Data Grids for Database developers (GatorJUG June 23rd)

This talk will introduce the concept of data grids to developers that have experience with Java EE and relational databases such as Oracle. The programming model will be explored (including caching patterns and similarities to NoSQL) as well as the performance & scalability improvements a data grid offers.

From IDE to Data Center – What Every Developer Should Know About Deploying Distributed Systems to Production (Orlando JUG June 24th)

Taking a distributed system from development into a working production environment is a challenge that many developers take for granted. This talk will explore these challenges, especially scenarios that are not typically seen in a development setting.

I’m especially excited about the OJUG talk as I think it will cover many topics of interest to Developers and OPS guys. It is a set of general guidelines that came about from seeing dozens of Coherence applications in production. We will cover such things as:

  • What to look for when using vmstat
  • Must-have production level JVM settings/flags
  • Developer Do’s and Dont’s
  • Crash course on thread dumps and heap dumps

We will also be giving away a copy of Oracle Coherence 3.5 at each event! If you are coming please follow the links to the events above and RSVP (you need to be a member of CodeTown to sign up, but registration is free and painless.)

Written by Patrick Peralta

June 16th, 2010 at 2:09 pm

Coherence Key HOWTO

with 17 comments

Image credit: Brenda Starr

On occasion I am asked about best practices for creating classes to be used as keys in Coherence. This usually comes about due to unexpected behavior that can be explained by incorrect key implementations.

First and foremost, equals and hashCode need to be implemented correctly for any type used as a key. I won’t describe how to do this – instead I’ll defer to Josh Bloch who has written the definitive guide on this topic.

There is an additional requirement that needs to be addressed. All serializable (non transient) fields in the key class must be used in the equals implementation. To understand this requirement, let’s explore how Coherence works behind the scenes.

First, let’s try the following experiment:

public class Key
        implements Serializable
    public Key(int id, String zip)
        m_id = id;
        m_zip = zip;
    public boolean equals(Object o)
        // print stack trace
        new Throwable("equals debug").printStackTrace();
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
            return false;
        Key key = (Key) o;
        if (m_id != key.m_id)
            return false;
        if (m_zip != null ? !m_zip.equals(key.m_zip) : key.m_zip != null)
            return false;
        return true;
    public int hashCode()
        // print stack trace
        new Throwable("hashCode debug").printStackTrace();        
        int result = m_id;
        result = 31 * result + (m_zip != null ? m_zip.hashCode() : 0);
        return result;
    private int m_id;
    private String m_zip;

This key prints out stack traces in equals and hashCode. Now use this key with a HashMap:

public static void testKey(Map m)
    Key key = new Key(1, "12345");
    m.put(key, "value");
testKey(new HashMap());

Output is as follows:

java.lang.Throwable: hashCode debug
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.Key.hashCode(Key.java:60)
	at java.util.HashMap.put(HashMap.java:372)
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.KeyTest.testKey(KeyTest.java:46)
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.KeyTest.testKey(KeyTest.java:52)
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.KeyTest.main(KeyTest.java:18)
java.lang.Throwable: hashCode debug
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.Key.hashCode(Key.java:60)
	at java.util.HashMap.get(HashMap.java:300)
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.KeyTest.testKey(KeyTest.java:47)
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.KeyTest.testKey(KeyTest.java:52)
	at oracle.coherence.idedc.KeyTest.main(KeyTest.java:18)

Try it again with a partitioned cache this time:


Note the absence of stack traces this time. Does this mean Coherence is not using the key’s equals and hashCode? The short answer (for now) is yes. Here is the flow of events that occur when executing a put with a partitioned cache:

  1. Invoke NamedCache.put
  2. Key and value are serialized
  3. Hash is executed on serialized key to determine which partition the key belongs to
  4. Key and value are transferred to the storage node (likely over the network)
  5. Cache entry is placed into backing map in binary form

Note that objects are not deserialized before placement into the backing map – objects are stored in their serialized binary format. As a result, this means that two keys that are equal to each other in object form must be equal to each other in binary form so that the keys can be later be used to retrieve entries from the backing map. The most common way to violate this principle is to exclude non transient fields from equals. For example:

public class BrokenKey
        implements Serializable
    public BrokenKey(int id, String zip)
        m_id = id;
        m_zip = zip;
    public boolean equals(Object o)
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
            return false;
        BrokenKey brokenKey = (BrokenKey) o;
        if (m_id != brokenKey.m_id)
            return false;
        return true;
    public int hashCode()
        int result = m_id;
        result = 31 * result;
        return result;

Note this key has two fields (id and zip) but it only uses id in the equals/hashCode implementation. I have the following method to test this key:

public static void testBrokenKey(Map m)
    BrokenKey keyPut = new BrokenKey(1, "11111");
    BrokenKey keyGet = new BrokenKey(1, "22222");
    m.put(keyPut, "value");

Output using HashMap:


Output using partitioned cache:


This makes sense, since keyPut and keyGet will serialize to different binaries. However, things get really interesting when combining partitioned cache with a near cache. Running the example using a near cache gives the following results:


What happened? In this case, the first get resulted in a near cache miss, resulting in a read through to the backing partitioned cache. The second get resulted in a near cache hit because the object’s equals/hashCode was used (since near caches store data in object form.)

In addition to equals/hashCode, keep the following in mind:

  • Keys should be immutable. Modifying a key while it is in a map generally isn’t a good idea, and it certainly won’t work in a distributed/partitioned cache.
  • Key should be as small as possible. Many operations performed by Coherence assume that keys are very light weight (such as the key based listeners that are used for near cache invalidation.)
  • Built in types (String, Integer, Long, etc) fit all of this criteria. If possible, consider using one of these existing classes.)

Written by Patrick Peralta

June 6th, 2010 at 10:28 pm